French Princess Caroline Murat - closest descendent of Napoleon, internationally renowned pianist, NVF European leader, initiated NA Olympic Team Bid
Jan Roberts - President, Earth Charter US(.org) with 2,500 organizations, member of UN Sustainability Education Committee
Bob Gough, Secretary of Native Wind(.org), Native American Olympic Sponsor, Carbon Offsets leader supported by VP Gore, gave NVF picture of Earth for our 1st World Prayer on
Mary Ho - President, China Millennium Council(.org), liaison to the China Olympic Hosts, Pacific Rim countries, Ivy League sustainable leaders, bringing great Indian dancers like Gene Tagaban to China prior to Games.
Sperry Andrews - scientist, President of Human Connection Institute(.org), liaison to Oneness Network (scientists, physicists, Indian Avitars, Oneness University, Diksha Movement
Kestner Flores (Cortina Rancheria) - Indian advisor to EPA of Cal & Arizona, liaison to (200 tribes) National Tribal Environmental Council(.org)
Marie Pascale - French liaison to Earth Day(.org), Transcendental Meditation (TM), and 'Conversations with God'(.org), 'The Beloved Community' and 'Gather The Women.'
Chief (Lyons) Nancy Millette (Kowasak Abenaki) -organized Vt-NH Nawihla Pow Wow June 2-3 saluted by NH Gov John Lynch, NVF Vt Ski Program, Iroquois Clan Mothers Network
Rick Hunt (Abenaki) - Artist, Director NH Indian Health Services, NVF NH Ski Coordinator Rabbi Michael Saftler - A NVF founder, invented NVF Karmic Offsets Program to fund these Elders-led Sustainable Solutions, liaison to Telluride Mt Film Fest, invented Telly's Free Box
Scott Halazon - NVF Advisor, Biofuels leader, liaison to Aquarian Network
Jim Browder - NW Indian News TV, NA Olympic Team Sponsor, covered first World Prayer and launch of Washington's Puyallup Future Olympians Program at Snoqualmie
Louis Mejia - (Columbian Kogi Tribe) Film & TV producer,
Herb Strongeagle, (First Nation)'s NHL Hockey Scout, liaison to First Nations of Canada
Matthew Gilbert (Gwichen Athabascan) - Climatologist, organizing Aug Arctic Global Warming Gathering, journalist, grandson of Arctic Elder Rev Trimble Gilbert, wrote Prayer
Deborah Williams and Mary Walker, Alaska Conservation Solutions, who suggested:
Will Steger, who just finished an educational expedition mushing across Canadian Arctic Circle raising awareness of Global Warming.
Valerie Nunez - Apache Elder, healer (DNA), networker, helped lead Big Bear Medicine Wheel, liaison to the Bushmen of the Kalahari
Dr Roberto Villafana (Mayan-Yaqui)- top biological dentist, member of International Academy of Oral Medicine, founding Native America Dental College (mercury free), removed silver (50% mercury) fillings from CA Congresswoman Diane Watson, author of CA's Right to Know Dental Mercury Bill that NVF helped get enforced-prevent fetal brain damage, SA Elders liaison
Matthew Turner (Seminole-Hopi) - Founder Vibrant Sedona, Town Council's Green coordinator, eliminated pesticides on public roads and is partnering with Russell Means & NVF on tax credits for replacing lawns with water saving sustainable cactus…, as model for US, Acquarian network
Steven “Bennie” Benedict (Cherokee) - founder of Touch the Earth Adventures, liaison to adventurers who wish a deeper connection to the Nature World, partnering with Native Voices Foundation to start Native led Eco Tours at National Forest and Parks lands to possibly be launched in the Grand Canyon with the Havasupai Tribe on National Trails Day, the first week in Sept, continuing NVF's 2 yr partnership with Am Hiking Society & Elders trail blessings
Ray Levesque - First Nations professor, Daily Frybread Network, SA Tribal Angel
Sakina Bluestar (Lakota Elders) - liaison to Sedona spiritual community and Hopis
Howard Shanker - Won 2007 case protecting San Francisco Peaks from grey water (in snowmaking) for the Arizona Tribes that protected SW Aquifer, running for Congress,
Connie Marlow & Andrew Bailey - Founders of theINNstitute(.com) & Sedona, at Page Springs B&B (tribal themed), producers of “IN SEARCH OF THE FUTURE” - Investigating Indigenous views of our origins, from world's oldest people, the Kalahari Bushmen, to evidence of an impending evolutionary quantum leap in human consciousness.
Mike Waters - developed cutting edge Sustainable Solutions & Sustainable Network
Debbie West - Founder Hologram, the Miracle Network, webdesigner & webmaster of NATIVEVOICES.ORG
Kirk Casselman - Highest Yale award for his Bulldog Mentoring Program in San Fran Area, liaison to Yale Forestry School (founders of National Forest Dept, Nature Conservancy) assisting in putting, likely Woody Vaspra, on their Faculty.
Janet Boyd (Cherokee) - webdesigner & webmaster of www.SNOW-RIDERS.ORG - See World Prayer Stories, and Native American Olympic Team Information, ski resort-tribal bridge Tornwing Design
Over a Billion Earth Family Members
Dick Enersen - President of the Enersen Foundation, Board Chair of Athletes for a Better World Foundation, Filmmaker, America ’s Cup winner (Sailing), NVF liaison to Stanford U.
Ambassador Gilbert A. Robinson (Ret.) - Chairman of 21st Century Foundation, Corporations to End World Hunger Foundation (feeding orphans in Russia)
Kit and Calvert Collins Family Foundation - Kit is anthropologist, did TM experiments, Telluride's Ute Ski Program Angel, NA Olympic Team supporter
Lisa DeBartolo - DeBartolo Family Foundation, Olympians Naomi Lang (Karuk) Ice Dancer, and Suzy Chaffee, snowdancer, were also luminaries at DeBartolo's Tampa 2007 All Star Charity Gala. There Naomi & Suzy honored General Schwarzkopf for planting the seed for Elders-led Snow Miracles in US & Europe. (Ute Free skiing in Telluride)
Suzy “Chapstick” Chaffee, Olympic downhiller, World Freestyle Champ, co-founder/ co-chair of Native Voices Foundation, orchestrating monthly Elders-led World Prayer & Ceremonies, led Title 1X March-Equal Op for women in schools sports, Olympic reform.