13 yr old Olympic Hopeful Mariah Cooper (Lac Courte Oreille-Oneida), Jr Miss, Honor the Earth Princess, prayer-signing her love for Mother Earth to open event for Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson, a Father of Earth Day. |
Earth Family Invited To Unite on Earth Day
"Could be 1/3 of Humanity"
SEDONA, ARIZONA, April 20, 2007 - On Earth Day Sunday, April 22, we are inviting our Earth Family to join together in loving prayer for our Mother Earth. This is a chance to unite perhaps two billion people, one third of our Earth Family, to feel love and appreciation for Mother Earth, which also does wonders to rebalance Her," said Olympic skier Suzy "Chapstick Chaffee," co-founder of Native Voices Foundation.
"For Indigenous Peoples, everyday is Earth Day,” said Mariah Cooper (Lac Courte Oreille-Oneida), Jr Miss Honor the Earth Princess and Native American X-Country Hopeful.
In mid February, Chaffee organized a network, bridging a billion World Elders, Earth Charter organizations, physicists, oneness scientists, avatars, Olympic hosts, "Earthdance"rs ... behind the “Prayer for the Healing and Care of Mother Earth.” (See snow-riders.org). People around the globe used it, which helped alleviate the warm weather and brought back the snows, especially in Europe, and much needed precipitation for the planet’s natural life cycles.
“We also wanted to help preserve the Olympics that we appreciate that the French revived in 1896, and the Swiss-based IOC organizes," explained Gene Tagaban (Tlikit-Cherokee), member of the Native American Olympic Ski & Snowboard Team. Also a stunning Ravendancer (On You Tube), Gene will be part of a team performing earth honoring dances around China prior to the Games.
“Let us join the Elders in thanking Mother Earth for nurturing us every day,” said Mary Ho, President of the China Millennium Council.
"The beauty is there is no downside to these spiritual solutions to rebalance Mother Earth,” said Kit Collins, a Telluride-Texan supporter who was involved in Transcendental Meditation (TM) experiments. As with TM, group size amplifies results, which is why we are asking each of you to play your part as a member of the Earth Family that you are.
For more information and how you can support the Elders leading monthly prayers from the most challenged regions, (mainly on the new moon), along with ceremonies at sacred sites (Earth's acupuncture points), visit www.SNOW-RIDERS.org.
NVF is a Colorado 501(c)3 non-profit partnership of US Tribal leaders, Elders and Olympians, whose mission is to create joyful unity through sports and education to help heal Mother Earth for all our children.