NVF tribal leaders and Olympians THANK all those who have helped make these historic tribal breakthroughs possible. Leaders of both cultures have called this progress "phenomenal!"
With your donation of resources or time we can together advance the following: |
To help spread the word about NVF's new website: www.snow-riders.org , to inspire all 320 U.S. ski areas/communities to invite neighboring Indian Nations to ski and snowboard (with a comfortable number of tickets, rentals & lessons). These programs are doing wonders to restore the health and spirit of Indian youth, who carry the Earth-preserving traditions that benefit all children! In so doing the ski towns are providing the grassroots training (like Canada's ski areas are doing for their First Nations youth - See www.fnriders.com) to have a chance to compete in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.
Help NVF win the Bid (a costly process) to create a Native American Olympic Team to compete in the 2008 China Summer Games and 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. See Torino Olympic press release. Help us find the talent at the North American Indigenous Games July 2-9, in Denver, (sponsored by the S. Ute Nation) to develop for the 2008 China Olympics!
Help us find the talent at the North American Indigneous Games July 2-9, in Denver, (sponsored by the S. Ute Nation) to develop for the 2008 China Olympics!
Help find and fund Native American Ski & Snowboard Team Members be able to train for Vancouver, as well as travel to races and across America helping connect ski resorts and tribes, and taking youth skiing and snowboarding, as inspiring role models.
Help facilitate ski areas to host "Tribal Welcoming Events" where local leaders, statesmen (General Schwarzkopf, Wisconsin Governor), Olympians, community and visitors ("American Indians were the No. 1 draw of the Utah Olympics") salute the First Americans for their gifts to humanity: To democracy, ecology, philosophy (Thoreau & Ghandi), psychology (Carl Jung & AAA), Breadbasket (corn, tomatoes...), medicine (aspirin..), giving more lives and winning more medals of honor protecting America (like Navajo Code Talkers)... and inventing the roots of 10 Olympic sports, including team sports as a war substitute.
Help NVF expand clean Biodiesel fuel in snowcats (helps rebalance weather/snow) to all 320 ski areas, led by Aspen and Mammoth, by creating a bridge with Indian-led Biodiesel leaders.(thru NVF advisor Scott Halazon, founder of International Bio-fuels Association.
Association. fscott28@aol.com www.internationalbiofuels.org/
All these kinds of gestures make tribal members feel welcome in their ancestral lands, so they can bless the mountains (Nature & ancestral spirits) and possibly share their snow and rain ceremonies (not a part of all tribal traditions but good karma), magnificent earth-honoring dances (in demand worldwide) and sustainable wisdom.
That's why David Ingimie, President of the SnowSports Industry of America, and Michael Berry, President of the National Ski Areas
Association, believe that "a partnership with the tribes is important to strengthen the future of skiing and help 'Keep Winters Cool.'"
"We're winning our battles against Diabetes and Obesity with snowboards and skis, and our youth are again thinking as high as these majestic mountains," said NVF board member, Brian Wallace, Chairman of the Washoe Tribe that skis and boards at Heavenly Valley. Heavenly also invites the Elders to also use their lifts in summer to pick medicinals & berries, mountain bike, and open their big Earth Day Celebrations!
Thank you for your generous donation of any level - or for inspiring friends, sponsors, and foundations to support this historic effort. You
can also help by spreading the word and assisting Native ski programs...and events celebrating your neighboring tribe(s). |
On behalf of our NVF board and team, bless you for being a part of this historic healing of American History and Turtle Island (America)!
With love and appreciation,
Suzy Chaffee, Co-chairman
Tel: 323-493-3877 suzynativevoices@aol.com
Woody Vaspra NVF Treasurer & President of World Council of Elders
Tel: 303-570 5813 rainbowjourney@earthlink.net
A Few SPECIAL BONUSES for Those Who Can Help Streamline These Efforts |
DONORS of $100 or MORE will receive a "VANCOUVER INDIAN OLYMPIC DREAMCATCHER" (seen above) by Mary Iron Elk (Creek-Yaqui), which did wonders to open doors to Indian Olympic Dreams for Indian youth at the Torino Olympics!!!!
They are also great for catching any of your dreams, why ski area leaders love them as “Snowdreamcatchers.” The pristine whiteness reminds us that snow has consciousness, and that expressing love and gratitude to snow and water, does wonders to create more snow and water blessings, by also turning frozen water into exquisite crystals similar to those in the purest waters of the North Pole. (See crystal research in Dr Emoto’s “Messages From Water” NY Times Bestseller.)
Meaning of Dreamcatcher: In the American Indian tradition, which many credit the Anashanabe and Lakotas for originating, --The webbing, symbolizing the “web of life” spun by Spider Woman, catches the good dreams and lets the bad ones pass through. --The feathers honoring the winged ones, bring the prayers up to the heavens in a spiral, (similar to the medicine wheel), which is beautifully reflected in the turquoise bead design on Mary’s webbing. The fluffs are from the turkey, a beloved nurturer of the tribes (and settlers, partly why Ben Franklin, who loved and always honored the tribes for their gifts to democracy, wanted the turkey to be the National bird.) --The turquoise stone and beads (some glass), representing the sacred life-giving blue oceans, waters and snow, bring peace, healing and serenity. It was so prized amongst the tribes that they called the trade route between the Americas, “The Turquoise Road.” --This hide is fine soft white Elk, honoring the 4 leggeds who inspire and nurture us.
NVF thanks Laine DeMonbrun, (Lakota), owner of FurandHide.com, for donating all the superb raw materials for the dreamcatchers “because it is so important that we get behind and win this Bid to create a Native American Olympic Team for our youth,” he said. Coincidentally, Daniel Rollingbears Quintana (Lakota) and Suzy together made over a thousand willow dreamcatchers, including for the gift shop of the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian in Manhattan, which helped launch NVF’s dream in 1995-6 to create this win-win ski bridge between the cultures.
DONORS of $250 or MORE will receive as a gift a HOMELAND SECURITY T-SHIRT (as seen in pic with Willie Nelson) with Geronimo's Apache Band "Fighting Terrorism Since 1492" by Carleen Lloyd (Cherokee) of TPTs/ Westwind, which also opened doors in Torino, and one of the most popular T-shirt in Indian Country!
* Native Americans, spearheaded by Willie Nelson (BioWillie), Morgan Freeman (Choctaw) and Tommy Johnson (Choctaw Biofuel CEO) are leading the U.S. in conversion to clean Biodiesel energy, “for the sake of Mother Earth and her children, and to diminish our dependence on oil-related terrorism,” said Willie. Hence they've been "Fighting Terrorism since 1492!" Aspen and Mammoth also pioneered converting to biodiesel snowcats and buses, which helps raise the vibration of the mountains (in addition to Aspen’s wind-powered lifts…), to keep the weather in balance - they’ve been blessed by some of the best snow in America.

DONORS OF $500 OR MORE will receive as a gift a special DRUMMAKING KIT: The drum is called by tribes “the heartbeat of a newborn child and the Universe.” It is used by the tribes to call in the goods spirits for ceremonies… Layne at Fur and Hide told Chaffee, “I’ve seen amazing results when youth (of many cultures) make drums at birthday parties, cultural camps, scouting… Drummaking has also been used successfully in substance abuse recovery programs.” It helps get people in touch with their ancient earth-honoring roots of Europe, Asia, as well as one’s Higher Power. Therefore, Layne and NVF are also offering a gift of a Drum set Kit to make four drums.
Donations over $1000 or MORE will receive ( All of the Above ) the Vancouver Olympic Dreamcatcher, Indian Homeland Security T-shirt, plus a Drummaking Kit for four - in great appreciation!
TAX NOTE: Native Voices Foundation (NVF) is a 501C3 Colorado non-profit Ein no: 84-150 7336. NVF is a DBA (doing business as) of "Kindred with Nature - Native American Society," renamed NVF by Alden Naranjo (S. Ute unity leader), NVF co-founder/co-chairman. Charitable donations over $100 will receive a verification letter. |
Alternate Methods of Donating
Please, contact Suzy Chaffee by any methods listed to the right. (Mail, Telephone or Email) |
Suzy Chaffee, Co-Chairman 111 Sugarloaf Drive Sedona, AZ 86335 Tel: 323-493-3877 suzynativevoieces@aol.com |
Aspen SkiCo and the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES), want the Utes to lead Eco Hikes on their 4 mountains in the winter on skis and snowshoes, and summer hiking, (attended by 4,000 paying visitors/yr) to help mainstream Americans see Nature through the eyes of the First Americans (and all our ancient ancestors!) Funding would help create a prototype for the country.
To fund a dream of NVF and Ivan Levine, the young blood who heads the American Hiking Society's National Trails Days each September 4th, at 1,100 events across America: To help us coordinate his dream to honor the tribes this September, who will hopefully bless the trails, (like Nancy (Abenaki) and Howard Lyons (Iroquois) did for Vermont's Green Mt Trails-See story on www.nativevoices.org), as well as lead the hikes (to see Nature through their eyes) to help launch on-going paid Eco Tours in our National Parks and Forests, like Aspen... The ski program in Telluride inspired Rabbi Michael Saftler, a NVF founder, to ask Rollingbears, (Lakota traditional), to take the Mayor and Council on a tour of the wetlands on Earth Day. Thanks also to a follow up by Ute Conservationist Henry Taylor, and front page press, 20 yr old environmental challenges were solved in 4 months!
Many ski areas, like Aspen and Telluride, also share x-country and skating! Funding can help NVF expand that and make possible Naomi Lang (Karuk), a star of the Salt Lake Olympics, be able to give clinics to Indian youth around the country. |
Thanks to NVF's unprecedented track record over the last 9 years, we were chosen to spearhead the President's Healthier US Initiative in the Great Outdoors on behalf of the "underserved, heroic Native American population." (President Bush). |