SOME NOTED ABENAKIS: Billy Kidd, Silver Medallist in Alpine Skiing at the 64 Olympics, NVF board member and captain of the newly formed Native American Olympic Ski Team,
who started a Ute Future Olympians Program in Steamboat; (Suzy Chaffee's Olympic Teammate, Rosie Fortna teamed up the Cochrans and Cici Teague to start an Abenaki Ski Program);
Joe Jones Abenaki coaching talent helped put 5 Rutland youth on the road to the Olympics - Joe and Wolfsong were honored at a Reunion of Champions at Pico; John Perkins gave the keynote address to the World Bank's Sustainability Conference in 2003, and his "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" is a 2005 NY Times Bestseller, and a recommended classic is Fred Wiseman's "People of the Dawn."
For more information, visit these Nation's official websites.
Billy Kidd |